Iria (irushonok) wrote,

Дамы за чаепитием. Часть 16

William Henry Margetson - Afternoon Tea

Ferdinand Max Bredt - Breakfast during wartime

Vittorio Reggianini - Ladies having tea

Harold Harvey - The blue door

Charles Haigh Wood - Portrait of a lady drinking tea

Lajos Jambor - Drinking tea in the garden

Jennie Augusta Brownscombe - Women at tea

Albert Anker - Sitting peasant woman holding a cup in her hand

Кириак Костанди - Чай на террасе

Henry Salem Hubbell - Ladies Having Tea

Часть 1, Часть 2, Часть 3, Часть 4, Часть 5, Часть 6, Часть 7, Часть 8, Часть 9, Часть 10, Часть 11, Часть 12, Часть 13, Часть 14, Часть 15
Tags: series, tea, women
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